How is sexual life bleeding to return a responsibility

Men and women will encounter more or less accidents in the process of sex, such as contraceptive failure, unwanted pregnancy, sexual pain, sexual bleeding and so on. Bleeding during sex is a worrying condition because it can indicate a medical condition on the part of the man or woman, or a miscarriage caused by an unrealized pregnancy. ​Then why does sex bleed? Let lifesize sex doll tell you.

Under normal circumstances, sex life bleeding may be associated with overexertion, vaginitis, seminal vesiculitis and other factors, which need symptomatic treatment. ​The specific analysis is as follows:

1. ​Overly rough: if too rough in sex, may lead to male glans mucous membrane, prepuce mucous membrane damage, female vaginal wall mucous membrane damage, sexual bleeding. Patients are advised to act as gently as possible during sex and pay attention to local cleanliness and hygiene.

2. Vaginitis: vaginitis refers to vaginal inflammation caused by various reasons. Patients may have vaginal itching, contact bleeding, leucorrhea and other symptoms, therefore sexual bleeding may be related to vaginitis. Patients can commonly use compound metronidazole suppository, tinidazole suppository, clotrimazole suppository and other drugs for treatment under the guidance of doctors. There are mini sexdolls.

3. Seminal vesiculitis: seminal vesiculitis usually refers to the inflammation of the seminal vesiculitis, patients may appear blood sperm, ejaculatory pain and other symptoms, thus sexual bleeding may be related to seminal vesiculitis. Patients can commonly use cefuroxime axetil tablets, Levofloxacin hydrochloride tablets, isoniazid B6 tablets and additional drugs for treatment under the guidance of doctors.

4 the first sex life: the first sex love woman hymen will break, this situation will have bleeding, also known as falling red. Of course, not all women lose their virginity, but most do.

5. Unexpected miscarriage: For example, a woman is only 1-2 months pregnant, has no obvious pregnancy symptoms, does not pay attention to her period, and does not have any movement in her stomach. In this case, sex may lead to bleeding and miscarriage.

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