Plus research and development of ARC-100 small reactor fuel manufacturing technology

Plus research and development of ARC-100 small reactor fuel manufacturing technologyCanadian Advanced Reactor Concepts (ARC) has partnered with Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) to develop the ARC-100 modular small reactor fuel manufacturing process. Through funding from the Canadian Nuclear Research Initiative (CNRI), the Nuclear Laboratory will provide ARC with expertise in nuclear fuel manufacturing to develop a prototype fuel thin rod production line for ARC technology, using advanced research facilities at the Chalk River Laboratory. The nuclear laboratory will also provide a qualified process for developing a “Made in Canada” production line.

In 2019, the Nuclear Laboratory launched the Canadian Nuclear Research Initiative to accelerate the deployment of small reactors by promoting R&D and connecting small reactor enterprises with the facilities and expertise of the Canadian National Nuclear Laboratory. ARC plans to complete ARC-100, a 100 GW sodium-cooled fast reactor, at Cape Lepro, New Brunswick, by the end of 2029. The ARC-100 uses metal fuel and has a refuelling cycle of 20 years.

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