wholesale jewelry cardboard boxes What does the whole knife in the RMB collection mean? What does it mean?

wholesale jewelry cardboard boxes

3 thoughts on “wholesale jewelry cardboard boxes What does the whole knife in the RMB collection mean? What does it mean?”

  1. intricate jewelry wholesaler 1 knife → 100 sheets, 1 knife, also known as 1, Bai Lian
    1 bundle → 1000 pieces
    1 → 5000 photos
    1 bags → 10,000 pieces (only 1, 2, 5 points, 1 and 1 1 Old packaging of 2 and 5 corners)

    1 box → 40,000 pieces (only 1 yuan, 2 yuan)
    1 box → 50,000 pieces (only 1 horns, 2, 5 cents)
    1 box → 20,000 pieces (only 50 yuan, 100 yuan)
    1 box → 25,000 pieces (only 5 yuan, 10 yuan)

    There is no dirt, spots, mold, creases, sharp four corners, and non -grinding, and the ticket surface is clean and stiff.

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